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The managementstudiesinsights.com blog provides engaging snapshots about research published in the Journal of Management Studies in a manner that highlights its practical and societal implications. The blog aims to bridge academic scholarship in management studies with scholars across disciplines, practitioners, media and the broader public who are interested in the societal relevance of management studies, and invites for discussion about the impact that management scholarship has beyond academia. The Management Studies Insights Blog is the official blog of the Journal of Management Studies.

Governing Transnational Commons: How International Treaties and Multi-Stakeholder Organizations Shape Cooperation and Conflict 

Governing Transnational Commons: How International Treaties and Multi-Stakeholder Organizations Shape Cooperation and Conflict 

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/landscape-photography-of-mountain-GygPFmXGD1o  Summary  Many grand challenges of our time – climate change, environmental pollution, poverty, and natural resource scarcity – center around managing transnational common-pool...

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