What did we study, and why does it matter? In their pursuit to attract and retain talent in the changing world of work, organizations are increasingly moving away from standardized HR practices toward more individualized approaches. Idiosyncratic deals, or...
Susan Elaine Murphy was formerly Director of the School of Strategic Leadership Studies at James Madison University and Professor of Leadership Studies. She has published numerous articles and book chapters on leadership, leadership development, and mentoring. Her work has been published in Academy of Management Executive (currently Academy of Management Perspectives), Leadership Quarterly, Work, Employment, and Society, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Making, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, Journal of Business and Psychology, and the Journal of Applied Psychology. Her co-edited books include Early Development and Leadership: Building the Next Generation of Leaders, Multiple Intelligences and Leadership, and an authored book, Power Mentoring: How Successful Mentors and Protégés Make the Most of Their Relationships, with Ellen Ensher. She also serves on the editorial board of The Leadership Quarterly and as an associate editor at the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.
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