
  • Tae-Yeol Kim

    Tae-Yeol Kim (Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) is Philips Chair in Management at China Europe International Business School. He has served as Associate Editor for Human Relations, and as Editorial Board for Journal of Management and Journal of Organizational Behavior. His current interests include self-presentation styles, creativity, leadership, proactivity, and person-environment fit.

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Competence Drives Interest or Vice Versa? An Investigation on the Bidirectional Relationships between Self-Efficacy and Intrinsic Motivation in Shaping Employee Creativity

Competence Drives Interest or Vice Versa? An Investigation on the Bidirectional Relationships between Self-Efficacy and Intrinsic Motivation in Shaping Employee Creativity

What drives creativity in the workplace? Researchers have long debated the impact of two key factors: creative self-efficacy (believing you can be creative) and intrinsic motivation for creativity (wanting to be creative). But which comes first, or...

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