A free, effective, research-backed, and universal tool is at the disposal of global leaders seeking to engage their workforce and drive performance– humor. But do we dare laugh about work? Humor is a complex phenomenon that engages various brain regions and key...
Management Insights
Unveiling the Unseen Forces in Corporate Relocations: A Closer Look at Shareholder Influence
Summary In our recent publication in the Journal of Management Studies, we investigate the intriguing dynamics behind corporate decisions to relocate headquarters across borders for tax benefits. While these moves can be financially beneficial for corporations, they...
Growing complexity as a trigger and driver of fundamental transformation processes
We are curious about how growing institutional complexity affects societal transformation processes such as sustainability or digital transformation. In our article, published in the Journal of Management Studies, we shed light on how the emergence of new...
Unveiling CEO Succession Gender Shift: Impact on Strategic Change and Performance
CEO succession with gender change is not always disruptive to firm performance but depends on the context. Summary How does CEO succession involve a change of CEO gender matter? The transition of CEOs from a male CEO to a female CEO, and vice versa, has garnered...
Working with marginalized communities? Consider adopting an infusion rather than extraction mindset
Summary We propose that working with marginalized communities requires a research shift from “extraction” towards “infusion”. We propose three guiding principles of infusion: respect for community agency and values, reciprocity in relationships, and reflexivity on...
Expressing Emotions at the Top sets up the rest of the Firm for Success
(Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash) How important is emotional expression in boosting firm-level capabilities? If you have ever wondered about the importance of emotional expression in management, then you might want to read our article that was recently published in...
It’s time to think differently about authenticity and CSR
Summary A lot of attention has focused on the authenticity of CSR practices. However, a focus on the experienced authenticity of the stakeholders involved in CSR is likely to have a significant impact on their wellbeing – and therefore on the societal impacts of CSR....
Cross-sector Partnerships are Doomed? Not Necessarily!
Summary Why do Cross-sector partnerships (hereafter: XSPs) fail to deliver social good and what can companies and NGOs do about it? To answer these questions, we propose a framework of XSPs’ different phases and theoretical perspectives and also how they...
Happy Diamond Anniversary JMS! A Decade Analysis of the Journal of Management Studies
Over the last decades, there has been a remarkable growth in business and management research, with the Journal of Management Studies (JMS) holding a prominent position alongside other longstanding journals with a reputation for publishing rigorous and impactful...
How can we improve our understanding of cross-sector partnerships as effective interventions for societal grand challenges?
(Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash) Cross-sector partnership between government, business, and civil society organizations is a well-established approach in practice to tackle societal grand challenges such as climate change, global health issues, and social...