Navigating Environmental Threats to New Ventures: A Regulatory Fit Approach to Bricolage 

by , , , , | Jul 18, 2024 | Management Insights


In our recent study published in the Journal of Management Studies, we delved into the conditions by which new ventures navigate resource constraints through the strategy of bricolage, particularly when faced with environmental threats. Our research offers a fresh perspective by integrating regulatory fit theory with the existing bricolage literature, addressing the inconsistencies often found in understanding entrepreneurs’ responses to resource-constrained environments. 

Why is our study interesting? 

Bricolage, essentially the practice of making do with what is available, has emerged as a vital strategy for new ventures striving to thrive despite limited resources. Our study reveals that the inclination to engage in bricolage is significantly influenced by the entrepreneur’s dispositional regulatory focus. Specifically, we found that entrepreneurs with a promotion focus, driven by aspirations and potential gains, are more inclined to engage in bricolage. In contrast, those with a prevention focus, motivated by security concerns and risk aversion, tend to shy away from this adaptive strategy. 

How did we study this? 

To test our hypotheses, we conducted a time-lagged survey involving 396 Taiwanese entrepreneurs. The data collected provided robust evidence supporting our theoretical framework. The results indicate that both promotion and prevention regulatory foci can weaken the direct relationship between environmental threats and the adoption of bricolage. This nuanced understanding underscores the importance of individual entrepreneurial characteristics in shaping responses to challenging environmental conditions. 

How is this study relevant to academics? 

Our research makes significant contributions to both the theory of bricolage and regulatory fit theory. By identifying regulatory focus as a pivotal factor, we help reconcile previously inconsistent findings in the literature, offering a clearer picture of how environmental conditions and entrepreneurial dispositions interact. This insight not only advances academic discourse but also has practical implications for entrepreneurs and policymakers. 

One of the critical takeaways from our study is the realization that entrepreneurial success in resource-constrained environments is not solely dependent on external factors but is also deeply intertwined with internal dispositions. Entrepreneurs who can align their regulatory focus with their strategic approaches to problem-solving are better equipped to navigate the complexities of resource scarcity and environmental threats. 

How is this study relevant to practitioners? 

For practitioners, understanding the interplay between regulatory focus and bricolage can inform the development of training programs and support systems tailored to different entrepreneurial mindsets. For instance, fostering a promotion-focused mindset could be beneficial in environments where resource improvisation and innovation are crucial for survival and growth. 

Our findings offer valuable insights for designing entrepreneurial training and support programs. For example, promoting a mindset that encourages resource improvisation and innovation can be particularly effective in resource-constrained environments. Additionally, policymakers can use this knowledge to create environments that support diverse entrepreneurial mindsets, enhancing the resilience of new ventures. 

Additionally, policymakers can draw on our findings to create supportive environments that consider the psychological profiles of entrepreneurs. By facilitating conditions that promote a balanced regulatory focus, they can enhance the overall resilience and adaptability of new ventures, ultimately contributing to economic stability and growth. 

Our study not only enriches academic knowledge but also provides actionable insights for entrepreneurs navigating the challenging landscape of resource constraints and environmental threats. This work is a testament to the critical role of psychological and strategic alignment in fostering entrepreneurial resilience and innovation in the face of adversity.


  • Samuel Adomako

    Dr Adomako is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Birmingham. His research examines the nexus of strategy and innovation. His research has appeared in leading journals including Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Product Innovation Management, British Journal of Management, International Small Business Journal, International Business Review, Journal of Technology Transfer, R&D Management Journal, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, Business Strategy and the Environment, Management International Review, Journal of Institutional Economics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Management, and many others. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Warwick. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK

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  • Fei Zhu

    Dr Zhu is an assistant professor in entrepreneurship at University of Nottingham Ningbo. Prior to joining NUBS China, Dr Zhu completed her PhD in Business Administration at Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University. She is passionate about entrepreneurship research particularly topics related to entrepreneurial decision-making, family business succession, and entrepreneurial behaviors. Dr Zhu uses experiments and surveys in her research and has published papers in ABS 3&4 journals. Dr Zhu is interested in how psychological factors (e.g., emotions, motivations, identity) and social factors (e.g., family) affect entrepreneurs’ decision-making and behaviors. Dr Zhu is also interested in family business and social entrepreneurship research.

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  • Dan K Hsu

    Dr Hsu's research interests include entrepreneurial well-being, serial entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurship experiments. His research has been published in Applied Psychology: An International Review, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Journal of Small Business Management, Organizational Research Methods, and Small Business Economics, among many others. He serves as the section editor for Applied Psychology: An International Review, the associate editor for the New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, and an editorial board member for the Journal of Business Venturing.

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  • Baris Istipliler

    Dr Istipliler is a habilitation candidate at University of Mannheim, Chair of Entrepreneurship and SME Research. He obtained his PhD from University of Mannheim with summa cum laude. During his MSc studies at University of Mannheim, Baris has worked at multiple MNCs and gained experience in the fields of treasury & investor relations, controlling, entrepreneurial finance, financial accounting as well as operations. His research interests lie in the fields of entrepreneurial cognition and behavior, SME innovation as well as transgenerational entrepreneurship and family business research. His research has been published in journals such as Journal of Management Studies, Small Business Economics, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Small Business Management. 

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  • Johan Wicklund

    Dr Wiklund is the Al Berg Chair and Professor of Entrepreneurship at Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, USA. His research interests include neurodiversity and mental well-being in entrepreneurship. He is considered a leading authority in entrepreneurship research with over 100 articles appearing in leading entrepreneurship and management journals and over 35,000 citations to his research. He is Editor-in-Chief of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, a premier entrepreneurship journal. A prolific advisor of Ph.D. students, he received the Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division Mentor Award in 2011.

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  • Samuel Adomako

    Dr Adomako is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Birmingham. His research examines the nexus of strategy and innovation. His research has appeared in leading journals including Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Product Innovation Management, British Journal of Management, International Small Business Journal, International Business Review, Journal of Technology Transfer, R&D Management Journal, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, Business Strategy and the Environment, Management International Review, Journal of Institutional Economics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Management, and many others. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Warwick. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK

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  • Fei Zhu

    Dr Zhu is an assistant professor in entrepreneurship at University of Nottingham Ningbo. Prior to joining NUBS China, Dr Zhu completed her PhD in Business Administration at Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University. She is passionate about entrepreneurship research particularly topics related to entrepreneurial decision-making, family business succession, and entrepreneurial behaviors. Dr Zhu uses experiments and surveys in her research and has published papers in ABS 3&4 journals. Dr Zhu is interested in how psychological factors (e.g., emotions, motivations, identity) and social factors (e.g., family) affect entrepreneurs’ decision-making and behaviors. Dr Zhu is also interested in family business and social entrepreneurship research.

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  • Dan K Hsu

    Dr Hsu's research interests include entrepreneurial well-being, serial entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurship experiments. His research has been published in Applied Psychology: An International Review, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Journal of Small Business Management, Organizational Research Methods, and Small Business Economics, among many others. He serves as the section editor for Applied Psychology: An International Review, the associate editor for the New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, and an editorial board member for the Journal of Business Venturing.

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  • Baris Istipliler

    Dr Istipliler is a habilitation candidate at University of Mannheim, Chair of Entrepreneurship and SME Research. He obtained his PhD from University of Mannheim with summa cum laude. During his MSc studies at University of Mannheim, Baris has worked at multiple MNCs and gained experience in the fields of treasury & investor relations, controlling, entrepreneurial finance, financial accounting as well as operations. His research interests lie in the fields of entrepreneurial cognition and behavior, SME innovation as well as transgenerational entrepreneurship and family business research. His research has been published in journals such as Journal of Management Studies, Small Business Economics, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Small Business Management. 

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  • Johan Wicklund

    Dr Wiklund is the Al Berg Chair and Professor of Entrepreneurship at Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, USA. His research interests include neurodiversity and mental well-being in entrepreneurship. He is considered a leading authority in entrepreneurship research with over 100 articles appearing in leading entrepreneurship and management journals and over 35,000 citations to his research. He is Editor-in-Chief of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, a premier entrepreneurship journal. A prolific advisor of Ph.D. students, he received the Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division Mentor Award in 2011.

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