Shifting Metagame: Leveraging the Power of Esports and Gaming Skills for Human Resource Management

by | Oct 12, 2023 | Management Insights


This blog post explores the untapped potential of gaming and esports skills in the realm of Human Resource Management (HRM). It delves into the unique competencies of the ‘Generation Gamer’, the relevance of the esports ethos to HRM, and the challenges of integrating gaming principles into HRM strategies. The post advocates for a deeper understanding of gaming culture and a strategic approach to leveraging gaming skills in the corporate sphere.


As gaming interweaves deeper into our societal fabric, it’s no longer just an entertainment medium; it may also be a training ground for future leaders and innovators. Gamers, honed in environments that demand precision, teamwork, and adaptability, are emerging as prized assets in the modern workplace. This post seeks to shed light on the overlooked prowess of today’s gamers. By diving deep into the rich tapestry of skills and mindsets cultivated in the gaming world, we’ll uncover how the ‘Generation Gamer’ is poised to revolutionize Human Resource Management (HRM). For HR professionals and corporate leaders, recognizing and tapping into this potential could be the game-changer in the fierce battle for talent in our rapidly evolving work landscape.

Understanding the Generation Gamer and the Esports Ethos in HR context

Defined not by age but by a shared passion for gaming, the Generation Gamer is a diverse group. These individuals, spanning various demographics, unite through their shared experiences and skills honed from the gaming world. Unfortunately, traditional HRM methods often sideline these unique talents, relying heavily on standardized recruitment processes and outdated competency models. This oversight is further compounded by the unfounded stereotypes of gamers as ‘lazy’ or ‘antisocial’, causing many to omit their gaming prowess from professional resumes.

Grasping the profound impact that these gamers can bring to professional settings requires a deep understanding of the esports ethos, a guiding philosophy that shapes the competitive gaming community. This ethos, derived from the Greek word for ‘character, ‘ reflects the shared values, beliefs, and practices that unify gamers. It’s dynamic, always pushing players to evolve. Key principles of this ethos include the ‘shifting metagame’ where players continuously ‘raise the bar,’ embracing a ‘trial and error’ mindset that sees failures as growth opportunities. Another core tenet is the principle of being ‘easy to learn, hard to master’, a nod to the deceptive simplicity of games that hide intricate layers of depth and complexity. Collectively, these principles do more than just inform gameplay; they deeply influence gamers’ approaches to challenges beyond the virtual realm.

When considered in an HRM context, the harmonization of gaming skills and the esports ethos promises transformative potential. Gamers bring to the table invaluable skills like adaptability and strategic thinking. Even more significant, the core values of the esports community—such as fair play, respect, and inclusivity—can provide a blueprint for HRM to craft workplaces that are both innovative and harmonious. Notably, while the essence of gaming thrives digitally, it never loses sight of the human connection. This synergy between the virtual and the human can serve as a model for the modern workplace, blending the strengths of both worlds to cultivate a culture of continuous learning, resilience, and enhanced collaboration.

The Role of Gaming and Esports in Leveling Up the Workplace

The global shift to remote work, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, presented a unique challenge: preserving and nurturing company culture in an environment dominated by virtual interactions. Traditional pillars of corporate culture, rooted in face-to-face communication, ceremonies, and symbolic actions, faced the threat of dilution in a digital workspace. With in-person engagements giving way to meetings on Zoom and similar platforms, the deeper, nuanced aspects of a company’s culture risked being overshadowed. This transition initiated critical discussions on the effective translation of company culture to the digital realm and its sustenance therein.

While the potential benefits of integrating gaming and esports principles into HRM are vast, it’s essential to approach this integration with depth and authenticity. The term ‘gamewashing‘ refers to the superficial adoption of gaming elements without a genuine transformation of the company culture. At a glance, the introduction of game-inspired elements like leaderboards, points, and badges might appear enticing. Leaderboards rank employees based on performance metrics, points can be awarded for achieving specific tasks, and badges serve as visual representations of accomplishments. Yet, a mere sprinkling of these elements doesn’t translate to a profound assimilation of gaming principles. For such integration to resonate in HRM, it shouldn’t be perceived as a fleeting remedy. The emphasis ought to be on strategically empowering gamers over the long haul, ensuring organizations can truly tap into gaming’s transformative essence to bolster HRM.

In this context, gaming and esports can play a pivotal role. The gaming world, with its inherent virtual nature, has long been grappling with issues of culture, engagement, and community in a non-physical environment. Gamers across the globe form tight-knit communities, not by accident but driven by several underlying principles. They often unite for shared objectives, whether it’s completing a challenging mission or achieving a high rank in competitive play. Many games necessitate collaborative gameplay, fostering teamwork and mutual reliance. Online platforms and games come equipped with chat and voice communication tools, ensuring regular interaction. Furthermore, in-game symbols and rituals, such as emblems, team banners, and specific in-game celebrations, become potent symbols of identity and unity.

These principles aren’t exclusive to the gaming world. Global companies, especially those with a hybrid culture and a diverse set of individuals, can harness these principles to foster a sense of community and belonging. By understanding and applying these principles, companies can create a more engaging and inclusive virtual work environment, bridging gaps between teams spread across different regions and fostering a unified company culture.

Incorporating Gaming Principles into HRM: A Practical Approach

The ascent of the ‘Generation Gamer’ and the increasing influence of esports point to a societal shift: we’re moving towards a world that’s more digital, interconnected, and virtual. This shift demands a reevaluation of traditional HRM paradigms, particularly in light of the unique competencies that gamers bring to the table.

For businesses looking to harness the power of gaming principles, here are some actionable strategies:

  1. Recognizing Gamer Skills: Rather than sidelining them, embrace the unique competencies gamers bring—be it strategic thinking, adaptability, or teamwork. Encourage employees to share skills nurtured in the gaming realm, aligning these with company roles and projects.
  2. Gamified Training Modules: Take inspiration from gaming mechanics to enhance employee training. For example, by utilizing ‘skill trees’—which lay out a clear path for skill acquisition and progression—companies can spur ongoing employee development.
  3. Instant Feedback Loops: Mimicking the immediate feedback prevalent in games, integrate real-time performance feedback in the workplace. This allows employees to rapidly identify and act on areas of improvement, fostering a growth mindset.
  4. Corporate Esports Teams: Enhance team cohesion by establishing company esports teams. Organizing friendly tournaments can promote camaraderie and healthy competition.
  5. Embrace the Hybrid Work Culture: The gaming world showcases seamless collaboration, irrespective of physical distances. Adopting this mindset can help businesses ensure that geography isn’t a barrier to teamwork and innovation.

In essence, the gaming realm offers insights into the future of work—a landscape shaped by digital collaborations and online interactions. By actively integrating gaming principles, businesses can position themselves effectively for this evolving work paradigm, securing a competitive edge in an ever-shifting environment.


The story of the World of Warcraft guild, Echo, serves as a striking example of the power of gaming dynamics. Echo’s journey from passionate gamers to a recognized esports force embodies dedication, teamwork, adaptability, and a relentless drive for excellence. Such narratives go beyond entertainment; they offer valuable lessons on collaboration, strategic planning, and perseverance.

HRM professionals can gain invaluable insights from these gaming odysseys. Recognizing and valuing the unique skills and ethos of the gaming community provides access to a reservoir of talent that’s still largely untapped. Embracing these principles can shape a dynamic and inclusive corporate environment, emphasizing continuous learning, adaptability, and forward-thinking.

Envision a business world where employees’ dedication mirrors that of Echo’s members, where collaboration is limitless, and challenges are met with innovation and determination. By genuinely understanding and integrating the principles of gaming and esports, businesses are poised to redefine the future of work. It’s more than a game; it’s the dawn of a new professional paradigm.


  • Tobias M. Scholz

    Dr. Tobias M. Scholz is an Associate Professor for Academic Esports at the University of Agder in Norway and the Chief Scientific Officer at metagame. Holding a PhD in Human Resource Management, he is the founder of the Esports Research Network and has been part of the first generation of esports researchers.


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